Alba Trench was born in 1994 in Barcelona. Early on she started to be interested in plastic arts, animation and cinema. In later years she drew most of her inspiration from cinema. She specialises in audiovisual media and ephemeral construction. Beginning her career as an art director, she has created many short films, advertising, video clips and TV shows. Recently she has participated in the artistic department of films as a set decorator and set painter.
Trench still remains active as a painter by assisting and collaborating with Mohamed L’Ghacham on some murals. Her personal work consists of combining three of her passions; animation, set design and the plastic arts; in series of pictures [frames] on small format and addressing disparate themes. She has a particular imaginary that she extracts from specific periods of professional and amateur photography and videography, history and other oddities. Her work aims to highlight moments of everyday life that can be overlooked by most people.