Void Projects is proud to present Poland from Artist Pawel Ryzko, a body of work produced between 2014-2018 addressing different social and political problems in Poland. The style is based on the aesthetics of Polish commercial design from the communist era. The form is in a stark contrast to the content, with the seemingly colorful, pleasant images giving rise to difficult or even traumatic issues.
About the Artist
Paweł Ryżko (b. 1984) is a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź. In the past, he has collaborated with the Twożywo Group. In 2010, he authored the cover of Frank Zappa’s “Hammersmith Odeon” record released on the 70th anniversary of his birth. In 2012, he received the Młoda Polska (Young Poland) award of the Minister of Culture. His artistic output includes posters, typography, murals, and stencils, stylistically rooted in the constructivist tradition. His works have been displayed in many exhibitions and awarded in competitions.
In association with Juxtapoz and Mana Contemporary.