Johnny Robles, born in 1984 is a native of Miami, Florida where he currently lives and works. His work is approached with a reserved, collective and methodical rationale that’s apparent in his developing studies. Working in a variety of media including drawing, sculpture, painting and installation, Robles’ themes are derived by his fascination with complex paradigms shaped or changed in nature and nostalgic visions of childhood. For Robles’ choosing specific paths and parameters in his creative process allows different ways to approach art making that may sometimes unfold creating visual conundrums for the viewer and even himself. As a result, new discoveries and possibilities are formed. His attempt to explore materials and techniques in his work, embody emotive and perceptual associations such as play, interaction, elation and control.
In his work, Johnny Robles seeks to find and examine a middle ground between the two extremes of human life cycles: the boundless fantasies of adolescence, and the consenting rigidity of adult life. For him, there is no dichotomy between both stages. Robles instead takes this opportunity to present a new body of work that repurposes familiar objects that now occupy a nostalgic yet mystifying space in the memories of adults to trigger poignant emotional responses. He invites the viewer to revisit the infinite, imperceptible world of childhood, and challenges them to re-define its context in the present.